2.5 years after I left Yad Hashmona as a volunteer in the biblical garden(march-june 2009).
Now I want to share my ideas, and thinking like revelations together with you.( jan 2012)
As you could read in the preceeding posts, being in Israel aimed to help to build up the "Beit Avraham" museum, in the biblical garden of Yad Hashmona.
Working in the biblical garden between so many prophetic words, which are demonstrated through the present winery, olive oil refinery, and grain floor, resulted in: Proclaming God's Will according His Word, Thenach: "His Chosen People, Israel to come HOME soon!"
Still, for me as follower of Christ Jesus: "I just missed the presence of the CROSS" on this special place given by God to the Finnish/Israelian believers.
I spoke with several people of Yad Hashmona about it, and they explained that this would be too confronting to the Jews yet, which can be understood.
At that time I red the Thora books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, and Deuteronomium about the travel of Abraham with God, and inventarised God's covenants/promisses to Abraham, his descendents, and up till now his seed. (in Christ Jesus)
Very practically I followed Abraham and descendents up till entering the Promissed Land with Joshua.
Very special are the places Abraham erected altars to honour God.
Shechem: altar 1. (down from Haran)
Bethel: altar 2. (south from Shechem)
Going to Egypt south.
Coming back north to Bethel.
Hebron: altar 3. (south from Bethel)
Mohria: altar 4. (north from Hebron)
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Abraham's travel north-south. + Moses VIEW. MIND: click on picture to enlarge. |
After this travel with Abraham, I travelled with Moses and the people of Israel from Egypt into the Promissed Land across the river Jordan with Joshua.
Moses did not enter the Promissed Land as you know, but looked INTO it from mount Nebo across river Jordan, across mount Mohria (Jerusalem) towards the west.
As you may know: on mount Nebo a statue is erected, which remembers to the incident in the desert when the people of Israel revolted against Moses and God.
Numbers 21:6 "Then the LORD sent venomous snakes among them; they bit the people and many Israelites died."
Numbers 21:7 "The people came to Moses and said, "We sinned when we spoke against the LORD and against you. Pray that the LORD will take the snakes away from us."
Moses prayed for the people.
Numbers 21:8 The LORD said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and LIVE." 9 So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, he lived."
Next to these verses I recalled, and you may know, these verses in the New Testament:
Joh. 3: 14 "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life."
I am very fond to explore the earth by "Google Earth", and so I did in 2009 staying in Israel.
I drew all above places into the Google earth map.......and connected these places.
1. The first line is quit straight running from Shechem to Hebron, across Bethel, and Mohria!
2. Standing next to Moses on mount Nebo looking west across mount Mohria, I drew this line in the same map.
What appeared (see picture): the line from mount Nebo crosses the "altar line"of Abraham quit exact at mount Mohria where our Lord Jesus died on Golgotha for our sin ("God provided twice!)
This line also runs across Yad Hashmona, which triggered me.......
"A statue like on mount Nebo in the biblical garden at Yad Hashmona may also be a blessing for visiting people to LIVE!!" (a bronze snake on a pole)
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John 3:14 "Only Life by God's grace" |
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Moses View WEST into Promissed Land. |
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"Bronze snake on a pole" |
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View from mount Nebo. |
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"Possible" places of Golgotha-Mohria (700m) |
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Ancient place of Golgotha. |
National Anthem of Israel: HaTikva
כל עוד בלבב פנימה
נפש יהודי הומיה,
ולפאתי מזרח קדימה,
עין לציון צופיה,
עוד לא אבדה תקוותנו,
התקווה בת שנות את אלפים,
להיות עם חופשי בארצנו,
ארץ ציון וירושלים
נפש יהודי הומיה,
ולפאתי מזרח קדימה,
עין לציון צופיה,
עוד לא אבדה תקוותנו,
התקווה בת שנות את אלפים,
להיות עם חופשי בארצנו,
ארץ ציון וירושלים
Kol od balevav penimaNefesj jehoedi homi'ja
Oelefa'aatee mizrach kadima
Ajien le Tsi'jon tsofi'ja
Od lo avda tikvatenoe
Ha tikwa bat shnot alpayim:
Lehijot am chofsjie be'artseenoe
Erets Tsi'jon ve Jeroesjalajiem
Translation HaTikva- Hope.
As long as there
is a Jewish soul inside the heart
And the eye is
looking ahead to the east to Zion
Our Hope is not yet
The Hope, who
lives already for 2 thousand years
To be free people
in our promised land
The land of Zion
and Jerusalem.